Epiphany, Revelation, Manifestation, Presentation…
Let’s live it as a trampoline!!! Let’s dive!
The birthday of LOVE was celebrated and welcome. The END of a circle, with no grapes, was experienced with the accomplice company that welcome the BEGINIG of… another circle… Welcome, 2023! And then the Three Magic Kings came to honour the new born LOVE. Now WAS becomes NOW, but before the NOW it tastes the sweet-sour taste of WILL.
2022 was… rich, challenger, peacefully exciting, rewardingly bitter, promising…
Welcoming 2023 with the launch of TransilvaniaTheatreLab, in Seville and in Cluj (Koloszvar), the uncertain planning of building developments in Bikal (Bicalatu), the determination of making things possible… from the hall to the dining room, visiting now and then the bedroom of this HOME, Spiri2Art Center!
We will be very happy to meet you in this year-journey. To share with you dreams, concerns, hopes, contradictions, excitement, frustrations, questions, answers, eyes, hands and hearts. The invitation is out… to “Please, Feel Free Not To Find Your Place!” in Alanís and Cluj-Bikal… to carrying on “Despite the Fear” in Croatia, … to harvest and plant in “July’s International Encounters” with Grupo LIM&TE, TransilvaniaTheatreLab, Transilvania Nelles Institute, with Casa Edo, with Paco & Edo… in our/your HOME, Spiri2Art Center in Bikal… to make a magic yellow carpet through more begnings…
MeanWhile… keep tuned, alive… welcoming LIFE… with BEAUTY and LOVE… And always OUT OF BALANCE!